Procedure and Duration of FUE Hair Transplant

Single Hair Transplant:
The own hair roots are removed with the hair follicle that surrounds them, and its hair-bearing stem cells from the back of the head. Then the hair roots are prepared for insertion, prepared and used where the scalp is visible: in places that have become sparse light or bald. 

Hair on the Hair Ring are Fail Resistant:
In contrast to the hairs on the middle head and in the front area receding hairline the hair grows in the area above the ears and at the back of the head usually lifelong and does not fall out. This is due to the genetic predisposition of the male hormone androgen which causes the hair loss. The hair of the hair wreath is resistant to failure compared to the androgen hormone. 

Different Methods of Hair Root Removal in the Hair Transplantation:

In some providers a large strip of skin strip / cloth is often surgically removed or only single hair pulled out. Important is the gentle removal which means for example no large scars, no hair root blending, no bald shaving and no damage to hair-bearing stem cells.
We recommend the gentle minimal single removal of hair root units: a FUE technique or FUE hair transplantation. This gentle removal technique FUE Transplant Cost in Pakistan allows further hair transplantation. or session already within 10 to 14 days and guarantees a lifelong hair growth of the transplanted hair. 

Procedure and Duration of a Hair Transplant:
A hair transplant usually takes between 4 and 8 hours. A hair transplant or FUE hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia the patient can go home perfectly straight after the treatment. In some cases, several treatments are necessary until the final desired result, a corresponding hair density, is achieved.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and useful content. FUE hair transplant in India is the superlative way for hair loss patients. Just visit this link and get more information.
