Implantation of Follicular Unit Extraction

FUE Follicular Unit Extraction:
In the FUE technique the follicular units are removed individually. This microsurgical method does not produce a continuous scar. 

The Removal:
After shaving the removal area, the local anesthesia takes place. As a result, the patients feel no pain during the removal of the hair units. The hair units are removed with special microsurgical instruments. No scalpel is used. This means that there is no streaky scar on the back of the head as in the strip technique. The small scars on the back of the head are usually covered within a week by regrowing hair.

Just as with the FUE Hair Transplant in Lahore technique described above, the removed hair units are implanted in the target regions. Planting is also done in local anesthesia. After the introduction of the process is painless. At first the openings are carefully set in a natural distribution pattern. Subsequently the insertion of the removed hair.

Hair is an Expression of Health and Vitality:
On the one hand, if our hair is given in its basic structure by nature on the other hand it reacts sensitively to external influences mental states care or neglect. Through conscious and versatile design, they are influenceable like no other part of our body and therefore serve as an individual means of expression of the person. Hair is sensitive to illness or stress. Due to inherited attachments hair can be lost. For many people hair loss is a heavy burden.
Modern medicine has various effective procedures available to stop hair loss or lost hair can be replaced by intelligent redistribution in its natural state. Our practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss. Through international cooperation hair surgery can be offered on a high level.

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